
Short film entries due this Monday! Top tips for surviving the final countdown

The final countdown!

Hey Filmmakers,

Okay, we’ve been saying it’s time to finish up your films for a few weeks now, but this time we reeeally mean it. Films are due by Midnight next Monday!

So, because we’re sure you’ll all be hitting the all-nighters trying to get that final bit of polish on your films, our top tips this week will cover creative burnout and looking after your mental health while you’re aiming to hit a deadline (ours, for school or otherwise).

Good luck filmmakers, we can’t wait to see your films!

How to enter:

STEP 1: Read the TERMS AND CONDITIONSSTEP 2: Prep your film ready to send
STEP 3: Fill out the ENTRY FORM
STEP 4: SUBMIT YOUR FILM (before September 23 midnight)

Top Tips

Step back
If you find yourself going over, and over, and over the same thing, continually second-guessing what works best, it’s probably time for a break. Hang out with your pets, do some chores or go for a walk, swim, dance, whatever you need to get your mind away from the film. Fresh eyes will give you perspective!

Reach out
If you’re finding yourself getting frustrated, upset, or using unkind words towards yourself because of your film project, it’s time for a little reality-check. See if a friend or family member is up for chat, grab a cup of tea and get your mind back into a positive space. Being creative is about having fun, and while we know it can get frustrating, it’s not worth getting into a negative space. Come back to your film later.

Treat time!
Treat. Yo. Self. Do some baking, take a bath, go for a surf or watch your favourite movie again. You’re working hard, and rewards are a great way to stay motivated- you’ve earned it!

Wrap up
It’s late Sunday evening, and you feel like the film is done. But you’ve got a whole day left till the deadline! There comes a point where it’s time to just say goodbye to the film and send it in. If you’ll only spend a few hours going back and forth on minor changes, spend that time writing a great blurb for the film, or just take a break!

Remember, if you really think you need a bit more time, send us an email and let us know, we can work something out for you. But first we really recommend showing your film to a friend, family member or teacher. Chances are, any issues that seem super obvious to you won’t even register to them, and you’re better off sending in your film and taking a break.

You can always reach out with any questions via email or our Facebook page, and most of all good luck! We’re proud of everyone who made something creative this year!

Happy filmmaking!

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