
What is Nextwave

Presented by the Coffs Coast’s Screenwave International Film Festival, since 2014 the Nextwave youth film education program has taught over 5000 students across Australia how to use filmmaking as a communications tool along with important mental health education. 

Nextwave aims to shine a spotlight on young Australians between the ages of 10-25, giving young creatives an opportunity to learn the craft of filmmaking, to have their stories seen, and to be recognised for their creative contributions.

The Nextwave program consists of three elements:

      • NEXTWAVE ONLINE: a film education subscription service to help teach young Australians, teachers, and councils how to produce short films in their community.
      • NEXTWAVE SHORT FILM COMPETITION: open to all young people aged 10 -25 years across Australia (including metro) which culminates in the Nextwave Youth Film Awards held during SWIFF on the Coffs Coast.
      • NEXTWAVE SCREENINGS: a screenings program during Youth Week that feature the finalists’ films from the Nextwave Short Film Competition
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