
Top tips on beating writer’s block!

Time is on your side!

Hey filmmakers, 

We are so stoked to hear how excited you are about the deadline extension and the new Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Cameras 4K! Remember, they’re going to one lucky filmmaker, and the two best primary and secondary schools, which is to say the schools that best support and encourage students to enter films into the competition! So in short, the best way to secure one of these amazing cameras: Make heaps of films! Remember, you can enter as many films as you like. 

If you’ve found yourself back at the proverbial drawing board with your film (or maybe you’re starting on your second film!) but are dealing with a bout of writer’s block, well we have some tips to help you through!

Top tips for tackling writer's block!

1. Brainstorm!
Sit down, write “What’s Next?” on a piece of paper, and jot down words and phrases that come to you! It’s super fun to let yourself get totally carried away with this activity, however do consider setting a time limit, otherwise you just might be there all day! 

2. Go for a walk!
Sometimes, a little change of pace and a change of location is all you need to get those creative juices flowing! The most frustrating thing about writer’s block can be that you’re not lacking the motivation, it’s the ideas that just won’t come! Try walking away, take your dog to the park, and enjoying the world around you. 

3. Do something you enjoy! 
Try sitting down with a movie that you love, or a playlist that you’ve been digging lately, and get lost in it for a while! Let your brain drift away from your script and just relax. You just might find yourself jumping up halfway through and writing down that plot point you’ve been missing! 

4. Set up a dedicated writing space! 
Writing in a dedicated space that’s just for writing can be such a help for writer’s block, because when you enter that space, your brain is switching gears and getting into work mode. It could be a home office, your dining table, or even a corner of your room that you have set up! 

5. Try talking about it! 
Ask someone you trust to take a look at what you have so far and see what they think! Talking your script out, and listening to what they think. They might say something or ask the right question about your story that sparks that missing puzzle piece falling into place! 

There you have it, our top tips for beating writer’s block! Remember, you’re not in this alone and to reach out if you need help!

Happy filmmaking!

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