
All eyes on you – staying focused solo

Competition Deadline Extended!

Good news everyone!
The Nextwave Short Film Competition deadline has been extended to November 12.

So that means you have a whole extra month to brainstorm, film, and edit your short films!
With school hols just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get stuck into a creative project with friends, or develop your own great solo short film.
Check out some great tips and tools, below, for best using that time to make a film in a small team or even solo.

Happy filmmaking!

Top Tips: All eyes on you

1. Take a breather
Use your creative outlets to change the pace of your day! It can be helpful to take a break from the 24-hour news cycle – turn to your film project when it’s time for a break.

2. Solo but not alone
If you’re working on a film in lockdown, remember that help is still at hand! Nextwave is a comp for 10-25 year olds, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a bit of help from family, or that you need to work solo at all! You can always email story ideas with a friend, or use a fun framing device like video chatting to include more characters into a film!

3. Use the resources at hand!
It’s hard to keep yourself organised when attempting a big project like this on your own or with a very small group, you’ll find yourself and your team will be wearing very many hats. There’s a tonne of super helpful programs resources that will help with shotlists, storyboards, scripts, or simply keeping track of your filming schedule! Check out some of our fave free programs here on our filmmaking resources page.

4. Refocus on your goals
Take the extra time to think about what genre and vibe of film you’d like to make, then think about what the audience for that type of film is. Finally, brainstorm all the reasons you can think of for why THAT audience loves THOSE films – is it the camera angles, the music, the dialogue? Make these targets for your filmmaking process.

5. Think about #1
That’s right, just to contradict ourselves, here’s a reminder that at the very end of the day, it’s your film! Considering audience experience is important, but vitally, make sure you serve your own artistic vision, and have fun!

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