
Scripting: The Building Blocks of Cinema

Hey filmmakers,

Winter is on it’s last legs, and those of you who thrive in warmer weather will need strength to get through the last of the colder months of the year! Luckily, that’s what this year’s competition is all about.  Let that strength inspire you as you start putting your script together – and don’t forget to include a torch!  We know the process of scripting can be very overwhelming, but we’ve got some top tips below for making that process simple. Check them out below!

Top Tips: Getting Words on Paper

1. Go at your own pace
You might be someone who can write half your script in one sitting, you might be someone who spends ten minutes a day on it – probably, you do things your own unique way, which is the way to do it! Scripts are fun and creative, so work in the best way to keep the pressure off (unless that’s how you work best!)

2. Work with others
If you’re collaborating with others on your film, video chat meetings and live documents are a great option for making sure everyone’s voices get heard. If you’re going solo, still aim to show friends and family your script to see what they think. Feedback will give you a great idea of what works and what doesn’t.

3. Find your inspo
Search online for the script of your favourite movie. For example, here’s the script for 80’s classic Labyrinth – Check out how dialogue is directed, and how locations are described. You can find more scripts here!

4. No wrong way
The 3 act structure is a classic for a reason – it’s a compelling story structure! But if you wanna show the final scene at the beginning, flashback in time, leave on a cliff-hanger, or make a film that doesn’t follow a traditional structure- the choice is yours!

5. Less is more
We’re never going to tell you not to think big – but it’s crucial to remember that this is a short film (under 5 minutes remember!) so make sure you edit your ideas so you can best tell the most exciting or important aspects with the time and resources you have. …then make a sequel!!



As always, there’s a ton of resources to help you along the way in the Nextwave online course, so be sure to check them out if you’re needing some extra guidance! 


Oh, and happy filmmaking!

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