SWIFF returns in 2021!
Hey filmmakers,
We have some very special news to kick off this week’s newsletter! SWIFF is officially returning in April 2021! We can’t wait to premiere your films on the big screen at the Nextwave Youth Film Awards, and of course give away some amazing prizes!
We’ll be making some more SWIFF announcements in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! If you’d like to get your SWIFF news straight from the source, sign up for the SWIFF newsletter!
This week, we’ll be taking you through our top tips for working to a deadline, and how to keep on track in the home stretch!
Work that deadline!
1. Set your own deadline!
The comp closes on October 26th, but that shouldn’t be your deadline! Give yourself a little less time, say the Saturday before submissions close, so you have a little wiggle room and last minute editing time to add in that absolutely vital scene you forgot to include!
2. Be real with yourself!
Don’t overwhelm yourself with a gargantuan task, be realistic with what you can achieve in the time frame you have. Whether that means cutting down your content, or reworking your script to be more manageable for the time you have, it’s all okay! You can make your blockbuster outside of the comp! If you do so, send it to us! We’d love to see it!
3. Planning is your best friend!
We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: LISTS! Making to-do lists is your best friend when taking on a project! Breaking it down into little bite-sized tasks for your day of filming or editing, is one of the most surefire ways that you’ll meet your deadline. Plus, ticking off that to-do list is SO satisfying!
4. Use shortcuts!
If you’re running out of time and need to add in some sound effects or filler scenes, consider checking out some stock footage or sounds! There’s a plethora or royalty free material out there at your disposal, and we’ve compiled a list of them right here on the Nextwave site! Find them here!
5. Don’t overwork it!
Your film is coming along nicely, but you keep getting all these great ideas that would make it better! That’s great, your film is your baby, and you want it to come out as perfect as possible! But consider this: There’s really no such thing as perfection, and a finished film is better than a perfect – but half finished – film. Don’t stress yourself out trying to make everything perfect, you’ll be at it forever!
We’re well and truly in the home stretch now, with only 19 days to go before our closing date, Monday October 26, at midnight.
Please reach out if you need some guidance, or if you want us to talk about a specific filmmaking topic!
Happy filmmaking!
Want to get a leg up on the competition and bring the Nextwave online filmmaking workshops to your school in 2021? Register your interest below!