
Arts Mid North Coast (AMNC)


Arts Mid North Coast offers a diverse and extensive range of services to the Arts and Cultural Communities of the Mid North Coast.

Visit artsmidnorthcoast.com

Arts Mid North Coast’s Core Services

  • Develop and Maintain a Mid North Coast Cultural Database.
  • Assist artists and community groups to develop arts projects.
  • Provide advice, information, referral contacts and resources to the regional arts community.
  • Promote the importance of arts and culture in terms of employment, economic development and cultural tourism, for bringing people and visitors to the region.
  • Develop training approaches in response to identified arts and cultural needs
  • Assist with arts and culturally related funding applications.
  • Advocate and lobby local, regional, state and national funding providers.
  • Secure funding for local and regional arts and culturally related projects.
  • Promote the importance of arts and culture for improving quality of life.
  • Create links and partnerships with key decision makers at local, regional, state and federal levels.
  • Inform artists and community members of the Mid North Coast regarding opportunities at the local, regional and state level.
  • Provide support and assistance to Indigenous and Ethnic communities in the maintainance and development of their cultural heritage
  • Produce regular publications (fortnightly artsblast eNewsletter and specialised information bulletins)
  • Create strong partnerships with Local Government in terms of support for and assistance with arts and cultural development.
  • Work to assist local governments to plan for arts and cultural development.

Arts Mid North Coast Inc Public Fund: DGR

Effective 6 November 2012, Arts Mid North Coast Inc. Public Fund became endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR). As such,  AMNC Inc. Public Fund is able to receive gifts which are tax deductible to donors.

We Provide Assistance to the following areas

  • Visual Arts and Crafts
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Multi Media
  • Public Art
  • Film
  • Regional Cinema
  • Literature
  • Poetry
  • Heritage and Museums
  • Galleries
  • Arts based Events & Festivals
  • Design
  • Community Cultural Development
  • Creative Industries


The Mid North Coast is a dynamic and creative region. The region has one of the largest arts demands in regional NSW with high levels of activity in community arts and community cultural development. There is some considerable arts infrastructure across the region that includes a number of theatres and performing arts facilities, regional galleries in three regional centres, a large number of local galleries, museums, heritage, Indigenous facilities, libraries and other.

The region has:

  • The highest population in regional NSW
  • The highest Indigenous population in regional NSW
  • The highest growth rate in regional NSW

There is a high growth in a variety of Creative Industries that are considered an important part of the current and new regional economy with great potential for growth and development.

Arts Mid North Coast provides a unique support mechanism that effectively delivers arts and cultural development directly to regional and rural communities.

Arts Mid North Coast’s purpose and function is focused entirely on its commitment to these communities, to their volunteer arts and cultural groups, Indigenous Arts, Creative Industries, related networks and to the principles of regional autonomy and determinism.


Our Vision:

A region with a vibrant, innovative and skilled arts community that reflects the regional culture and natural heritage in the various art forms, community arts and creative industries on the Mid North Coast.

Our Mission

Arts Mid North Coast aims to engage with all relevant sectors of the regional community to promote, facilitate and advocate for excellence in arts and cultural development across the Mid North Coast region.


Key Objectives

1.  Access

To facilitate access to arts and cultural development opportunities for all local communities across the MNC region.

2.  Advocacy

To advocate for the arts throughout the MNC region and enhance access to funding and resources for arts and cultural development through local, regional state and federal government and non-government sources.

3.  Infrastructure and Networks

To assist the development of appropriate facilities, infrastructure and professional networks for arts and cultural activity across the MNC region.

4.  Communications, Marketing and Promotion

To maximise the MNC region’s access to relevant information that can assist in the planning, development, implementation and resourcing, of arts and culturally related projects and activities.

To promote the MNC region’s festivals, events projects and other arts and culturally related initiatives locally, regionally, and at the state, national and international levels where appropriate

5.  Development

To support and facilitate skills development and project development in the arts across the MNC region;

To establish links between arts development, economic development, community development and other MNC regional development agendas.

6.  Planning

To develop planning processes at the local and regional levels that assist local government and other relevant groups to undertake a strategic approach to community cultural development and the development of Creative Industries across the MNC region.

To co-ordinate and facilitate initiatives across the MNC region that result in the integration of cultural plans with other local and regional planning processes.


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