
Regional Arts Fund

The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government program that supports and promotes participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture in regional, rural and remote Australia.

Regional Arts Fund (RAF) objectives:
• To encourage and support sustainable economic, social and cultural development in regional communities;
• To develop partnerships and networks which leverage support for projects and encourage ongoing collaboration;
• To develop audiences and broaden community engagement with the arts; and
• To increase employment, professional development opportunities and profile of regional and remote artists.
The Regional Arts Fund is administered in each State or Territory by Regional Program Administrators (Regional Arts Australia’s member organisations and affiliated organisations).
Two types of grants are available in each State and the Northern Territory: Community Projects and Quick Response Grants.

Each Regional Program Administrator makes decisions about the delivery of RAF in their jurisdiction and there are slight differences in each jurisdiction. Check your relevant Regional Program Administrator’s website for further information about RAF programs and eligibility:

NSW: Regional Arts NSW

NT: Arts NT

Qld: Arts Queensland

SA: Country Arts South Australia

Tas: Arts Tasmania

Vic: Regional Arts Victoria

WA: Country Arts WA

In partnership with the Department of Communications and the Arts, RAA and its member organisations, the RAF provides resources for hundreds of community arts projects each year. Read our RAF case studies here.


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